


Certificate of Criminal Record provided by the Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters can only be issued to the following:


Required Documents

※ 上記の「証明書の発給を必要としている事実が記載してある公的機関発行の書類」とは、大使館等からの発給依頼書、記入済みのビザ申請書等になります。
※ 提出先または発給事由によっては、直ちに申請できない場合もあります。申請する方は電話でお問い合わせください。

1.Any document that verifies the necessity to issue this certificate
※Any document that verifies the necessity to issue this certificate" refers only to official documents issued by public organizations, such as documents required by embassies and visa application forms.
※There may be cases when the police headquarters willwithhold immediate approval of a Certificate of Criminal Record depending on what countries the certificate will be forwarded to and the reason why the certificate is required. Applicants should check with the police headquarters in advance.

2.パスポート ※ コピー不可
※婚姻等で氏名・本籍を変更した方のうち、パスポートの記載事項を変更していない方は、記載事項変更後に申請されるか、もしくはその事実が確認できる書類をお持ちください。 書類を提示された方は、証明書交付時に記載事項変更をしたパスポートを提示していただきます。

2.Valid passport (Photocopy not acceptable)
※If you have changed your name or permanent residence due to marriage etc. and have not updated those changes on your passport, you should apply after updating your passport, or bring any document that verifies your current status. If you have already submitted the documents without presenting your passport, you must present your updated passport at the time you receive the certificate.


3.Any document issued by a Japanese public office that verifies your name and address
(1)Those who have registered their residency in Miyagi
An official copy of one's Certificate of Residence issued within the last six months and does not include your "My Number" (individual number) or Any photo identification issued by Japanese authorities which contains your name and address (driver's license, residence card, etc.)
*A "My Number" (individual number) notification letter is not acceptable
(2)Those who are former residents of Miyagi with Miyagi being the very last registered place of residence
An official copy of one's Certificate of Residence or Koseki Fuhyo issued within the last six months without your "My Number" (individual number) and Any document that verifies your present address (Your foreign driver's license, mail, etc.)


Service fee

宮城県収入証紙 450円

Miyagi Prefecture revenue stamps (Shunyushoshi) for 450 yen (revised as of April 1, 2020)
※You cannot pay in cash for this certificate. Revenue stamps are not available at Miyagi Prefectural Police H.Q. Please purchase them in advance.
Please see this page for the closest locations to buy revenue stamps. See pages about Miyagi Prefecture revenue stamps for further details.


Office hours

平日 午前9:00~11:30 午後1:00~4:30

9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. / 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays (Monday to Friday)
Closed on Saturday, Sunday, national holidays, holidays at the end and beginning of a year


Office Location

宮城県仙台市青葉区本町3丁目8番1号  (宮城県庁東隣り)
宮城県警察本部刑事部鑑識課 海外渡航証明
最寄り駅 地下鉄南北線 勾当台公園駅 (北2番出口)

3-8-1. Honcho Aoba-ku Sendai, Miyagi (located east of the Miyagi Prefectural Governmentbuilding)  
Certificate Section, Identification Division, Criminal Investigative Department, Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters
Nearest subway station: "Kotodai-koen Station" (Exit North #2) on Namboku Subway Line
※You cannot apply at a Police Station.


Receipt of the certificate


Your Certificate of Criminal Record will be available approximately 7 to 10 days from the day of application.
The police clearance certificate will be issued directly to its applicant.
※The certificate cannot be mailed to applicants.
※If you wish someone else to pick up your certificate, please let us know when you apply.
In the event that a third party is to pick up the certificate, that person must show both of the following:
・Completed proof of Power of Attorney
・Any photo identification issued by Japanese authorities of the third party
(driver's license, passport, residence card, etc.)


Point of contact

宮城県警察本部刑事部鑑識課 犯罪経歴証明書(海外渡航証明)担当
代表電話 (022)-221-7171 (内線 4624)

Certificate Section, Identification Division, Criminal Investigative Department, Miyagi Prefectural Police Headquarters
Phone: 022-221-7171 Ext. 4624